This international event must be among the most unique congresses and conferences. It was a conference characterised by its “international”, “collectivity” and “teamwork” aspects.
Its development and organisation were managed by three national organisations (FR, CH, IT). They succeeded in bringing together representatives of many international and scientific institutions specialised in highly diverse fields such as space, health, robotics, social sciences and politics, among others.
Science transcends borders and cultures. It is global and so should WCSJ be. However, the latter’s unique aspect also derives from its environment in scientific expertise. The Lausanne and Montreux area can express itself through a strong, rich and diversified scientific network. It is the base of various networks, communities and institutions that belong to the areas of technology, innovation and scientific development.
The Lake Geneva region, thanks to its multicultural identity and the presence of many international research structures, is the perfect formula to develop conference projects and especially to have the necessary supports to communicate on and strengthen the identity and body of the event.
We have for instance the “Health Valley”, constituted by more than 400 companies or research and development structures (for example: Oncology and cancer); the “Swissfood Nutrition Valley” that brings together the structures specialised in the field of nutrition technology such as Nestlé, EPFL, EHL or the national centres for agronomic research. We can also speak of the newly born “Trust Valley” that brings together major international groups in the field of cybersecurity and data transmission security. As a last example, let us mention networks in the field of neurology represented by no less than 12 nationally and internationally renowned institutions, such as the collaborative Blue Brain Project that is supported by Europe. Yet other fields of predilection could be listed.
The Lausanne-Montreux area is truly profitable to the world of science, research and collaboration.
“Du 1er au 5 juillet 2019, la 11e Conférence Mondiale des Journalistes Scientifiques a attiré à Lausanne, au SwissTech Center de l’EPFL, plus de 1300 participant-e-s de 82 pays, et fut un grand succès à maints égards. Le Comité d’organisation, formé des membres des associations suisse, française et italienne de journalistes scientifiques, a pu bénéficier du soutien de LMC, depuis la phase de conception de l’événement jusqu’à sa clôture et la finalisation des documents finaux. Ses collaboratrices et collaborateurs ont notamment assuré certaines activités logistiques du secrétariat de la conférence, la mise en lien étroite avec des acteurs politiques, institutionnels et privés de la ville et de la région, les réservations d’hôtels, le système d’inscriptions ainsi que l’organisation de certains “social events” (dont le cocktail d’ouverture mémorable au Musée olympique ainsi que la magnifique soirée de clôture dans les vignobles de Lavaux). Tout cela avec un grand professionnalisme et une disponibilité sans cesse renouvelée. Une partie importante de la réussite de cette conférence, et du souvenir qu’elle aura durablement laissé chez les centaines de participant-e-s, leur est due.”
Olivier Dessibourg, Président du Comité d’organisation de la 11e Conférence Mondiale des Journalistes Scientifiques.